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HEPA PROTECT MAX TINCTURE* Master Blend Liver Kidney & Bladder Support & Cleanse 10:1 Extract*
Hepa Protect Liquid - Liver, Kidney, Bladder & Gall Bladder Support & Cleanse* - Natura Petz Organics
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Hepa Protect Liquid - Liver, Kidney, Bladder & Gall Bladder Support & Cleanse* - Natura Petz Organics
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HEPA PROTECT MAX TINCTURE* Master Blend Liver Kidney & Bladder Support & Cleanse 10:1 Extract*

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HEPA PROTECT MAX TINCTURE* Liver, Kidney, Bladder & Gall Bladder Support & Cleanse Tincture 10:1 Liquid Extract *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

HEPA PROTECT 10:1 LIQUID EXTRACT is used holistically to help provide systemic liver and kidney support; as an alterative and adaptogenic synergistic tonic herbal blend which may help bring the body into balance when liver, kidney, bladder or gall bladder imbalance is present.

HEPA PROTECT 10:1 LIQUID EXTRACT contains adaptogens, which are a specialized class of plants which carry out read, repair and restore actions on the body and may help identify dysfunction and work to help nutritionally and phytochemically encourage rehabilitative processes in the body, without tapping vital reserves.  

Adaptogenic herbs may help alter the outer membrane of liver cells to help prevent toxins from penetrating them and may help encourage the animal body to regenerate liver cellsAlso used holistically to help cleanse the liver and may encourage liver repair in cases of dysfunction; may help promote bile flow; and may help detoxify and protect the liver and kidneys by promoting bile production and by helping to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Our pets experience daily toxin exposure to polluted (unfiltered) water, diets comprised of commercial foods lacking nutrients and environmental toxins such as detergents, dryer sheets and other chemicals that tax and overburden immunity, which can damage the liver and kidneys over time. Common damage can be localized or scattered. HEPA PROTECT 10:1 LIQUID EXTRACT may help detoxify these vital filtration organs as well as provide a nutritional boost when under duress. 

Rich in vitamins, macro and trace minerals, silymarin (commonly known as milk thistle), fatty and amino acids, 17 alkaloids, glycosides and particularly its silica and boldine content, HEPA PROTECT 10:1 LIQUID EXTRACT is suggested as an adjunctive and integrative support which may be used for liver and kidney disorders, including hepatic lipidosis; varying forms of hepatittis; Fatty Liver Disease (FLD); Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD); Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS) and Feline cholangiohepatitis. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other holistic, therapeutic indications of HEPA PROTECT 10:1 LIQUID EXTRACT may include use to help regulate kidney acid/alkaline levels; may help regulate liver enzyme levels and production, may help support kidney and endocrine function; may be used as an adjunctive support for oxalate and struvite crystals and stones (in combination with Break It UP!;) may help reduce uric acid and acidify urine; may be useful for gall bladder inflammation, gall stones and gallbladder infections as well as kidney colic and calculi and may help support water and electrolyte balance and fluid regulation (especially important for senior and immuno compromised animals.) (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Plants contain dozens and often, hundreds of natural, plant chemicals, which provide primary (see above) and secondary health benefits. Other secondary plant benefits HEPA PROTECT 10:1 LIQUID EXTRACT may help support normal hormone production involved in red blood cell formation and blood pressure regulation; may help support the excretion of waste products; may help tone and strengthen the bladder and connective tissue over time with use; may be useful as an adjunctive for incontinent animals with use over time.

May also help promote strong skin, tissue, bones, claws and fur; may help protect the myelin sheaths around nerve cells and the membranes of the brain and spinal cord; may help to reduce prostate inflammation; and may be useful for colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease; may help to fight bladder, urinary tract and kidney infections and as a holistic, adjunctive liver cancer dietary addition.. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do not administer to adult cats for more than 30 days. This product should not be used with puppies or kittens. 

Recommended Use

Adult and Senior animals, do not give to puppies or kittens; to monitor kidney and liver function parameters (BUN, Creatine, Phosphorus, urine specific gravity, ALT, Bilirubin, GTT), to evaluate organ function and response to treatment.


Contains a proprietary master blend which includes Chanca Piedra and Carqueja. Alcohol free. 


ADULT DOGS & CATS ONLY. Do not give to puppies & kittens or pregnant & nursing pets. Likely contraindicated with hypoglycemia & diuretic drugs. May potentiate insulin, diabetic, diuretic, anti-hypertensive, beta-blocker & cardiac drugs. Suggested to use a probiotic due to possible anti-microbial & liver detoxifying actions..

Drug Interactions: 

May potentiate hypoglycemic, diuretic, diabetic, antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering), beta blocker & cardiac drugs. 


Contains approximately 30 droppers. Metered dropper included for easy dosing.

(please confirm dosage according to ADULT & SENIOR LIFE STAGE ANIMALS ONLY-dogs and cats)

Dogs & cats up to 12 pounds: 1/4  dropper (.25 ml), 2 times daily.

Dogs & cats 13-25 pounds: 1/2 dropper (.5 ml), 2 times daily.

Dogs & cats 26-50 pounds: 3/4 dropper (.75 ml), 2 times daily.

Dogs 50+ pounds: 1 dropper (1.0 ml), 2 times daily


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