YACON SYRUP is a low growing plant that produces a tuberous leaf and root, and is used extensively in South American traditional medical systems. YACON SYRUP is indigenous to Peru, and is found growing plentifully in the temperature Andean lowlands as well as Andean highland cloud forests, with altitudes reaching up to 10,000 feet.
YACON SYRUP has been classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a super food, super fruit and power food. YACON SYRUP is used holistically for its nutritional content, containing whole plant prebiotic inulin, oligofructanes (FOS), probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, beta-glucans, PLUS vitamins including B complex, antioxidants, trace minerals & digestive enzymes, which may help protect liver and pancreatic health, as a potential adjunctive for the conditional needs of pancreatic decline and diabetic conditions, and may help support the body nutritionally and phytochemically to better help utilize and produce insulin.
In South American traditional medical systems, the leaves and roots of YACON are both used, but for different reasons. The tuberous roots are primarily consumed as a food staple, whereas the leaves are used medicinally. It is important to note that no potential blood sugar lowering or pancreatic supportive actions have been confirmed ONLY in the ROOTS of Yacon.
YACON SYRUP may have an important dietary role for both pancreatic health and metabolic function. The metabolic system involves organs such as the thyroid, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Signs indicative of metabolic stress may include changes in insulin levels, immune system challenges, excess weight or fatty deposits. One of the major roles of the pancreas is that it helps create the hormone, insulin, as well as helps control body system metabolics.
Diabetes is a deficiency of the pancreatic hormone called insulin. YACON SYRUP may work to help inhibit the destruction of pancreatic cells, which are charged with creating the hormone insulin and may help support pancreatic function in its creation of adequate insulin, digestive enzymes as well as how the body utilizes insulin. The regulation of insulin by the pancreas also has an impact on both liver and immune health.
YACON SYRUP may help improve the glycemic index, help maintain glycemic control, help inhibit insulin deficiency, may help create a lower fasting glucose rate, while potentially increasing insulin sensitivity in the body.
YACON SYRUP's liver protecting activities may also affect diabetic conditions in that may help protect the liver by inhibiting the fat accumulated in the liver, may help improve blood parameters and cholesterol levels in diabetics, may help limit excessive oxidative damage as well as may help promote the absorption of glucose in the liver.
YACON SYRUP may help perform important roles in helping limit cellular damage and may help inhibit peripheral neuralgia common to diabetes, important actions for all mammals either affected by diabetes or at risk of diabetes.
In South American traditional medical systems, YACON SYRUP may help nutritionally support healthy blood sugar levels; its antioxidant value may help fight free radical damage; may help counteract symptoms and conditional needs of diabetes I & Diabetes II; may help reduce glucose levels in the blood; may help improve the glycemic index; may reduce insulin resistance and may help support healthy gut flora and improve digestion. YACON SYRUP is not a cure for diabetes.
YACON SYRUP has shown to help benefit 75% of diabetic test subjects by presenting less insulin intolerance after 6 months of use, with 92% of subjects requiring reduced insulin levels overall.
Used by veterinarians in the conditional needs of hypoglycemia;YACON LEAF may help support normal blood sugar levels; may help promote cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis related to insulin resistance, may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis by improving calcium absorption and may potentially help protect bones by helping to offset bone resorption. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)
YACON SYRUP may help improve cholesterol levels and may help address symptoms of hyperlipidemia & lipid & triglyceride support by removing excess fatty lipids from the blood; may help provide support for Heart Disease and the prebiotics found in YACON SYRUP may help enhance the natural production of beta-glucans which act as non-specific immunostimulants which may enhance immune response. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)
While much of the studied nutritional benefits attributed with YACON are found in the tuberous roots, ONLY the leaves have verified antioxidant actions, may help lower blood sugar, may have support pancreatic function and may also help protect the liver by reducing free radical damage to liver cells.
Rich in Prebiotics and Probiotics Bifid bacterium and Lactobacillus, FOS, B complex and macro and micro trace minerals, YACON SYRUP may help balance gut flora, may help aid digestion, and may address digestive disorders including dyspepsia, ulcers, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (IBS).
Researched documented natural plant actions of YACON SYRUP include:
Hypoglycemic, anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant (against excessive free radical damage & as a liver protector), anti-diabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-microbial, prebiotic, probitioc, hepatotprotective (liver protector), hepatonic (liver tonic), stomachic (digestive aid), immunostimulant, cytotoxic, anti-mutagenic (cellular protector)
The documented researched uses for YACON SYRUP related to conditional needs include:
Kidney and bladder infections and conditions such as cystitis, for diabetic conditions related to high blood sugar, blood sugar regulation and diabetes, pancreatic support, liver tonic, for liver problems and diseases, to help balance gut micro flora (prebiotic, probiotic), to help support digestive function and balance, as an antioxidant (especially for the liver), to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, for obesity (weight loss agent), blood pressure regulator (high blood pressure), Fibromyalgia and Lupus, hepatitis (liver diseases), nephrosis (kidney diseases), rheumatism, proper carbohydrate metabolism and immune support.
YACON is indigenous to Peru, so its use beyond a dietary support has been much broader for both human and animals in regards to traditional use for blood glucose regulation.
YACON's documented natural plant chemistry includes
prebiotic inulin
oligo fructo sacchrides (FOS)
probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifid bacterium
free fructose, glucose, sucrose
vitamins including B complex, vitamins A, C and E
macro and micro minerals such as postassium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium and copper
variety of antioxidants
digestive enzymes
flavonoids (tryptophan and novel acids including protocatechuic, chlorogenic, ferulic, gallic, gentistic and caffeic acids)
fatty acids
sesquiterpene lactones
phenolic compounds
Other natural plant chemicals are listed here:
chlorogenic / ferulic caffeic acids, sesquiterpene lactones, y-cadinene, caffeic-acid, 3-caffeoylquinic-acid, chlorogenic-acid, 2,4-dicaffeoylaltraric-acid, 2,5-dicaffeoylaltraric-acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylaltraric-acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic-acid, enhydrin, ferulic-acid, fluctuanin, gallic-acid, gentisic-acid, inulin, melampolides, oligofructans, beta-pinene, protocatechuic-acid, rosmarinic-acid, sonchifolin, tryptophan, 2,3,5-tricaffeoylaltraric-acid, 2,4,5-tricaffeoylaltraric-acid, and uvedalin
YACON SYRUP may help promote cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis which are commonly related to insulin resistance. It may also support heart health by helping inhibit low density lipids (known as LDL or BAD cholesterol) levels as well as may help inhibit triglyceride levels, by helping remove fatty lipids from the blood.
YACON SYRUPS's high potassium content may also act like a vasodilator, which helps relax blood vessels and strain that negatively affects the cardiovascular system.
YACON SYRUPS may help regulate proper homocysteine levels in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels tend to result in plaque buildup and damage to the arterial walls of the heart.
YACON SYRUPS's potassium content may help increase blood flow, blood oxygenation and fluid and electrolyte balance, which may help further explain its heart healthy use.
YACON SYRUP has also been studied to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis by helping to improve calcium absorption, may help prevent degenerative joint diseases by helping protect bones and may help counteract bone loss, and its effects to help promote nutrient assimilation and may help strengthen teeth and bones.
The leaves have demonstrated the ability to lower blood sugar levels. Diabetic pets should be screened by their vet before and while using Yacon Syrup to monitor their blood sugar levels accordingly as medications may need adjustment.
The leaves will enhance the effect of insulin and diabetic drugs.
The leaves will enhance the effect of insulin and diabetic drugs.
Add to your pets meal daily. Can be mixed with wet food and may also be used for home prepared meals & treats.
1-10 lbs 1/8 tsp
11-25 lbs 1/4 tsp
26-50 lbs 1/2 tsp
51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp
76+ lbs 1 tsp
Use for at least 30 days to see initial results.
Up to 500 pounds: 1 ounce, 2 times daily.
501 – 1000 pounds: 2 ounces, 2 times daily.
1001+ pounds: 3 ounces, 2 times daily.
Use for at least 30 days to see initial results.