Adult Cat
If cats are obligate carnivores, why do they need plant based supplementation added to their diet?
Due to convenience and popularity, our cats are overwhelmingly fed commercial, dry kibble diets that do not truly deliver the nutrients found in nature; where cats hunt and eat their prey. In addition to lacking raw meat, organs and connective tissue critical to feline health, a dry kibble diet lacks moisture and often contains excessive fats, carbohydrates and sugars.
As a result, our cats have developed a unique set of metabolic disorders, commonly related to obesity, diabetes and auto immune related diseases. Plant-based supplementation may help bridge not only the nutritional deficiencies common to commercial diets, but importantly, may help to repair dysfunction and to restore balance in our cat's bodies.
THE PETZ KITCHEN™ ORGANIC RAW YELLOW MACA is a tuberous root that grows in the Andean Highland Mountains at altitudes of up to 15000 feet, under some of the most severe weather conditions found on the planet. YELLOW MACA has been qualified by the... (View Product)
YELP FOR KELP - Omega 3 & 6 Thyroid ...
Description Ingredients Contraindications Interactions Cautions Dosage Omega 3 & 6 Thyroid & Whole Body Multi-Mineral, Multi-Vitamin Support & Dental Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional ... (View Product)